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Do a little bit

Handy Tip: Save magazines, newspapers, and cardboard for crafts

Magazines and newspapers can offer great ways to reuse images and paper for craft projects. Cardboard boxes are perfect for protecting surfaces during art projects.

Host a toy/clothes swap with friends

Do you have friends that are also building families? Consider hosting a toy and clothes swap. This gives new life to clothes and toys some kids may have outgrown.

Impact in Numbers:
Reduce waste
Save money

Buy clothing resale

Babies grow quickly, which means they move from one size of clothing to the next in a matter of months. Instead of buying new clothes, save money and reduce waste by purchasing resale.

Impact in Numbers:
Reduce waste
Save money
Do a little bit more

Make your own craft dough

Get hands-on with your kids and make your own craft dough at home! Keeping it in reusable containers reduces plastic waste.

Impact in Numbers:
Reduce waste
Save money

Recycle old crayons

Each year, millions of crayons are thrown away. There are several initiatives that collect and recycle old crayons to give them a new life.

Impact in Numbers:
Reduce waste

Use glass baby bottles

Reduce plastic by using glass baby bottles with silicone nipples and refillable squeeze pouches. These reduce chemical exposure, are easy to clean, and reduce plastic waste.

Impact in Numbers:
Reduce waste

Use reusable nursing pads

Reusable nursing pads not only reduce waste from one-time use pads, they also save you money in the long-run.

Impact in Numbers:
Reduce waste
Save money
Do even more

Make your own purees

Instead of relying on store-bought baby food, consider making your own purees. This gives you full control of the food your baby eats, and reduces waste from packaging.

Impact in Numbers:
Reduce waste

Use cloth diapers

A disposable diaper can take up to 500 years to decompose, and a baby can use 8-10 diapers per day. Cloth diapers divert this waste from the landfill. Even using cloth diapers only part of the time can have a big impact!

Impact in Numbers:
Reduce waste
Save money

Use cloth wipes

Instead of relying solely on disposable wipes, consider using cloth wipes when you’re at home to reduce waste and save you money.

Impact in Numbers:
Reduce waste
Save money