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Methodology For
Selecting Products
The products featured on our website have been vetted by our Product Team. They include items we believe are truly sustainable alternatives to traditional products. We prioritize products that: divert from landfills, reduce waste, save water, reduce emissions, save energy, and are ethically made.
We exclude products that are substantially more expensive compared to other products of the same type. For now, we do not consider some environmental effects such as aquatic and personal toxicity or biodiversity.
We do our best to be fair and comprehensive in our evaluation to reduce the likelihood of greenwashing. We will continually update our recommended products as we learn.
Little Bit does not accept corporate sponsorships by companies to endorse specific products.
Gather a list of similar products
Ensure products are comparable price
Assess sustainable characteristics
Add products to our site
Methodology For
Calculating Impact
Not all “little bits” are equal.
We use a methodology based on the principles of Life Cycle Analysis. Using iterative methods, we evaluate if a change has a positive, negative, or neutral impact to waste, water, carbon, and cost.
Current Focus
Our current focus is calculating impact for practices and products featured on our website. This will help consumers better understand the benefits and costs of different sustainable choices.
Coming Next
In the future, we will be creating a true Sustainability Index for consumer products (e.g., product labeling). This will make it easier for consumers to make decisions at point of sale.
How can I help?
Are you passionate about sustainability and want to help us evaluate
the impact of sustainable practices and products?
Become a volunteer!